Monday, July 2, 2012

Ahem… I have an announcement to make!


Its official! The blog is growing and I am taking on Sponsors!---------> see the pretty buttons over there?

I just signed up with passion fruit ads… I am all about making life simpler and I think this is definitely going to help!


I’m not charging much… in fact I have some free swap ads available (use code SWAP to get the Bowie spot for free) and a 50% off code for the Austin spot (use code BLOGGYFRIENDS for 50% off). That means the Austin is only $3!

But don’t wait long to sign up! The number of spaces are limited. I want to do a good job at promoting YOU! So I am taking only a few blogs at a time!

I’m working hard to grow, learn and develop this little ole blog. And there are some BIG things coming up soon! :)


  1. I love that you named your ad sizes!!!

  2. So cool! I submitted a bow-tie ad for swap. I can email you with a code on passionfruit so you can put your ad up on my blog if you would like.


I love reading your comments! Seriously! They make my day :)