Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weigh In Vol. 1

If you follow me on Instagram (@jenniferintexas) then you may have picked up on the fact that I recently joined Weight Watchers.
Well today is my second week, and my first weigh in! I don’t have the guts to tell you my start weight or show you a pic… call me a coward, but I’m to embarrassed/ashamed! My starting number was better than I expected, but worse than I had hoped. I’m sure you know the feeling. Maybe once I’ve lost a bunch of weight and I am not so freaked out by the fact that I’m pretty much a whale, I’ll post the scary number and pics… Maybe!
One of my goals this year was to make some lifestyle habits and get healthier!
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So far weight watchers seems to be working for me! I am happy to report that I lost a total of 5 pounds this week! Yay me!
Not my best picture ever, but I was so happy I needed to take one lol
Being completely addicted to my Iphone and having a food tracking app on it is key for me! It only takes me a minute to calculate what I ate and figure out my points. I’ve been eating a lot more fruits and veggies, cut back on my coffee intake *Sigh* and I’ve been drinking only water (and one cup of coffee) every day!
My game plan is to make one change/goal a week and stick to it… Slowly the changes will pile up on one another to create a new way of living and eating! And 1 a week isn’t really so daunting! This past week my goal was to drink only water, with exception of some coffee. I am happy to report that no pop/soda or juice passed my lips :)
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This weeks goal is to exercise at least 3 times… Bring on the Jillian DVD!!


  1. Keep at it Jenn, So proud of what you have accomplished so far... Can't wait to see your transformation. BTW... I think you are beautiful! Love ya, from Leanne in Ontario

  2. Great job! I have a lot of weight to lose and have been feeling discouraged. Thanks for inspiring me!

  3. Keep at it girl! Once you're on a roll it gets easier to keep the momentum. My biggest mistake is falling off the wagon for a day and then giving up completely. Don't do that!

    I'll be looking for your updates/progress! Way to go!

  4. Congratulations on losing those pounds! Keep it going and stay positive about it =D

  5. Keep going...WW works! Some days (and weeks) are harder than others, but just keep the end goal in sight. I lost 38 lbs recently with WW Online and loved it (size 16 to an 8)! Congrats on your success!

  6. Oh - so proud of you for joining. I have always been successful with Weight Watchers (when I do it) but can't seem to find my mo right now. I'm completely off the wagon and looking (but obviously not too hard) for a way back on! Perhaps your journey will be the push I need to get going again!

    Thanks for sharing! Yu are brave and strong!


I love reading your comments! Seriously! They make my day :)