Monday, January 30, 2012

Round and around and around and around


and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around …………………………………….

Dizzy yet?

I was… well kind of.

I spent several hours going around and around to make this fabulous infant afghan

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Its made with homespun yarn and is super soft.

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This was a perfect project to work on while I was out of commission this past week. I’m still quite tired, it takes a while for me to bounce back after any illness now… so I’m working on another afghan while I work on getting back to “normal”

Happy Monday!


  1. This is such a cute piece. Hope you're feeling better.

  2. What a sweet afghan! Thanks so much for sharing! Hope this week brings you lots of energy and good health!

  3. Whenever I have worked on an around and around they always end up misshapen by the time I get to the end. Keeping it to a tiny one like this would help prevent that happening. Hmmmm, why did I not think of this before.

  4. Making an "around the world" crochet quilt is on my to do list. I have a pattern for a round one, the pic I have with the pattern looks almost as awesome as your quilt.

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  5. This turned out so beautiful! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!


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