Tuesday, January 31, 2012
And in Other News…
Pinned it, Made it Features!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Round and around and around and around
and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around …………………………………….
Dizzy yet?
I was… well kind of.
I spent several hours going around and around to make this fabulous infant afghan
Its made with homespun yarn and is super soft.
This was a perfect project to work on while I was out of commission this past week. I’m still quite tired, it takes a while for me to bounce back after any illness now… so I’m working on another afghan while I work on getting back to “normal”
Happy Monday!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Drum Roll Please…….
are you dying to know yet?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. JULIA!!!! with entry #86
I’ve decided to pick 2 more winners to receive a $10 credit to the Shop!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Pinned it, Made it #3!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Me by Numbers
I saw this a couple weeks ago and thought it would be fun to share some “random” facts :)
1 = Puppy… but you may have already known that :) His name is Scoot and he’s my baby.
2 = Brothers. I miss them a ton!
3 = I’ve been on three missions trips. Twice to Guatemala and once to Romania
4 = Projects on the go right now. That’s about 2 to many :s
5 = Siblings! Which, if you do the math, means I have 3 sisters :) And yes I miss them too
6 = The age I was when I knocked out BOTH of my front teeth. I did a header over the handle bars of my bike.
7 = The number of times I’ve sprained my left ankle
8 = The number of years since I turned 20. Man! That was a lonnnnnnngggg time ago!
9 = The total number of kids I’ve been “Nanny” to. Fun Times!
10 = The number of times I’ve sprained my right ankle. I have ankle “issues”
I’m going to crawl back into bed now. Been sick for the past couple days… I had better start feeling more human soon. I make an awful patient!
Only 2 more days enter to win!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Happy Birthday to my Darling!
I wanted to wish my Darling man a very happy birthday!
You’re one of the most incredible, honorable, loving men I know. Thank you for believing in me, inspiring me, and pushing me to dream bigger!
You are my Happily Ever After!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Pinned it, Made it Features!
Monday, January 23, 2012
No Bake Cheesecake!
I have a “thing” for really simple recipes. And if there is not actual baking involved, even better! A friend of mine made this for a party a while ago and when it was my turn to bring the dessert to the ladies meeting at my church I knew exactly what I wanted to make!
1 1/2 blocks of cream cheese
3/4 cups of sugar
1 container of whip cream (I used cool whip)
Graham crackers
1 can of pie topping (flavor of your choice. I went with strawberry)
In a large bowl whip together the cream cheese, sugar and whip cream until completely smooth.
In the bottom of a 9x13 inch pan, place graham crackers as the crust.
Spoon in the Cream Cheese mixture and smooth over the graham cracker crust.
Add your topping.
Refrigerate for 2+ hours and you’re good to go!
You can sort of see the layers in this picture.
Mmmmm Yum! It was a big hit at the ladies meeting too :)
Don’t forget to enter!
Happy Monday!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Keep It Simple Sunday–Giggles
Gotta love pinterest for random funny things! :)
Redneck Heaven? buahahahaha
No Comment!
Oh Sheldon!
ummmmm… I forget
I Love Paula Deen… and yes I have used this in an argument with Mule.
I won.
Happy Sunday!
Ps. Don’t forget to enter!
What the What?
No more Picnik???? What is the world coming to?
And does anyone really know what is going on with Google Friend Conncet (gfc)? If you do, please, Please, PLEASE!!! right a nice simple, non technical post about it for all of the rest of us that are completely lost!
I'm jumping on the Bloglovin band wagon, so please stay connected with me! I love my followers! Don't leave me! ;)
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Cutie Patootie!
I’ve known Ben and Kelly for pretty much forever. When they welcomed their little man into the world, I gave them one of my favorite hats as a shower gift. Almost a year later it finally fits him!
Aren’t they just a gorgeous family??
Thanks for letting me share these photo’s guys!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Pinned it, Made it! #2
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Six Month Celebration Giveaway!
Fun Things!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It Donned on me Today…
That I have been in Texas for a whole SIX MONTHS as of Monday!
Where has the time gone?
I absolutely love my life here and can’t wait for some family and friends to visit so I can show them all the places I’ve discovered and all the things I’ve learned (like how NOT to hold a shotgun :p !)
In honor of this Momentous occasion… I will be hosting a giveaway starting on Tomorrow… so be sure to check back for all the details… tis gonna be a good one! :)