Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And…. they’re Off!!!


My family’s Christmas presents that is :)

I’ve been working my behind off the past couple weeks to figure out what to send and get things ready for my siblings and Mom as well as prepare for the market weekend that wasn’t (read about that here).

Today I finished the last 2 projects, packed everything up and headed to the post office. Of course they post office gave me the wrong customs forms, so I was there a lot longer than I expected, But the main thing is that they are in the mail! And should arrive in time for Christmas!! I was told that I was getting them in before the “Big mail rush” which was my goal. I’m quite glad about that :)

I really want to do some posts about what I made… but on the off chance that a family member actually reads this… I’m going to refrain from showing you everything, but I do have some sneak peak pics for you :) Hehehe :D

Christmas sneak peak 002Christmas sneak peak 007Christmas sneak peak 006Christmas sneak peak 011Christmas sneak peak 015Christmas sneak peak 018Christmas sneak peak 022Christmas sneak peak 025

I’m so excited for everyone to open their gifts on Christmas morning! Its going to be very strange to miss out on the family traditions at home, but I get to start new traditions here and that is exciting too! One of my siblings is going to bring her lap top so I can skype with the fam jam and see how excited (hopefully) they are.

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