Monday, October 8, 2012

Announcement Number TWO!

I'm so excited to be making this announcement. I've mentioned a couple times that something MAJOR was in the works... well the day has come! 

This little ole blog of mine is moving to a DOT COM and a NEW NAME! Since I've been in Texas for over a year, I'm not working on finding my way so much. Now I am Busy Being Jennifer ... aka the new name :) You can still find the tutorials and other things that I've posted over there. I'm also going to be sharing more of my story. I was very inspired by the writers workshop at Bloggy Boot Camp Dallas and I can't wait to share more of who I am! 

 I hope that you'll head over and join in the fun! I'm starting things off with a bang and a pretty stinking awesome giveaway with some other lovely bloggers!


  1. I look forward to following you on your new adventure and getting to know a little more about you :).

    Sarah x

  2. congrats on the new name! I switched to .com and it's easier for ppl to remember...good choice! :) oh and welcome to Texas!! where in Texas are you? I'm up in the Panhandle. Newest follower from Chelsea's giveaway! woohoo!

  3. Newest follower here! I found your blog through the Texas blog group—I’m one of the newest members! Cute blog!


I love reading your comments! Seriously! They make my day :)