Currently Super Proud: Scoot is starting to get this whole training thing. Now if only he’d come when he’s called ALL the time, not just when he wants too!
Currently Broadening: My my computer skills. Trying to figure out this whole coding thing
Currently Concluding: That even though some people are beyond stupid and try to take advantage of you, they don’t get to ruin your day unless you let them!
Currently Reading: Just finished The Hunger Games… and if Hubby hadn’t had to leave for work, I would have gone and gotten the second book!
Currently Thinking: I should go to bed early, or I should finish washing the dishes, or maybe I should sew some more.
Currently Scoot’s Favorite Thing: Bouncing around my feet and aiming for my sore toe
Currently Hub’s Favorite Thing: Randomly dropping ice chips down my back
Currently Saving All My Pennies For: A new back Patio! Can’t wait :)
Currently Wanting To Travel To: Ireland. Its been at the top of my travel list for years!
Currently Wanting In My Cupboard: Less random dishes. Maybe after I’m done saving for the back patio I’ll save for a complete dish set that matches.
Currently Wanting To Learn: Wood working skills
Currently Drooling Over: New fabrics…. big surprise there
Currently Confessing: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me… there for I will get off my fat a$$ and exercise!
Currently Listening To: Scoot snoring up a storm under my desk and some random movie on tv in the other room
Currently Obsessed With: Mug Rugs!
Currently 1st Place Comedic Genius: The Big Bang Theory
Currently 2nd Place Comedic Genius: The New Girl
Currently Addicted To: Smash! I love Katherine McPhee!
Currently Fantasizing About: A new Nikon D7000 (its on the penny saving list too)
Currently Sad Because: My sister was supposed to be visiting right now, but she got pnomoneia and had to stay home :(
Currently My Motto: I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength! (I’m needing to repeat it to myself a lot these days)
Currently Dreaming Of: Going on a vacation with Mule, even if its just for a few nights. I’d love to get away.
Currently Needing To Update: Parts of my blog and I need to get working on my New Online Store!
Currently Yearning For: A Chai Tea Latte
Currently Want To See In My Closet: The entire new spring collection from Lane Bryant!
Currently Enjoying: A Chai Tea Latte… had to go make one
Currently Have A Girl Crush On: Katherine McPhee. Man that girl can sing!
Currently Shopping: I’m not… I’m saving my pennies remember?
Currently Discovered: There is a “Girls Night Out” monthly shopping event in town… gonna have to walk down there one evening soon!
Currently Redecorating: In reality, nothing at the moment… in my head, the ENTIRE HOUSE :)
Currently A Few Blogs I'm Loving: babEblessings, Happy Hour Projects and The Lovely Poppy
love theseeee!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you soo much for linking up with me. :) I love reading more about my followers. :) It's fun to get to know everybody better. :)
ReplyDeleteAll The Love In The Universe.