So I just realized that I’ve been in Texas 11 months and 3 days! How nutty is that? It seems like only last week that I left one of my good friends at the airport and jumped on a plane to start a new life. 11 crazy months later life is good… but there are definitely some things that I really miss from home!
Other than people of course!
In no particular order…

TIM HORTONS!!!!! Oh how I miss those uber yummy ice capps! And French vanilla cappuccinos that aren’t really even cappuccinos at all! Oh and they have the best Boston crème donuts. Can’t find a good one here to save my life.

Mr. Big Bars! I’m sure that they have them somewhere in the good’ole U.S. of A., but not anywhere that I’ve been! I don’t eat chocolate bars often, especially now that I am in the middle of “Operation: Lose that Fat Ass”, but every now and then I crave the sweet, crunchy, vanilla wafer, chocolate covered awesomeness that is a Mr. Big bar. Oh great… I just induced an uber craving :s

Greek Food! In particular the Jimmy the Greek restaurant in the mall I worked at for 3 years. That place ended up being lunch 3 or 4 days a week. Now I am not saying that there is no Greek food in Texas, I’m just saying that A.) I’d probably have to drive to the metroplex, and B.) nobody wants to drive to the metroplex!

The World Famous ELMIRA MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL! I lived 20 minutes away from Elmira pretty much my whole life and the local Mennonites really truly do make the best maple syrup ever! So Yummy! Not to mention the atmosphere of the festival! I’ve made plenty maple syrup centered memories over the years with friends and family :)

Believe it or not, I miss the snow! Not that there is snow up there now, but this past winter, and my first Texas winter, was so surreal for me! It felt more like fall most of the time than actual winter!
When the time comes that I get to travel back to Ontario for a visit, you can bet that I’ll be hitting up Tim Hortons and Jimmy the Greek, and if I time it right I might even be able to go the the syrup festival. But mostly I’ll want to hang out with friends and family. They are what I miss most of all!
And if any of my readers are from Canada and feel like sending me some goodies, I won’t say no *Wink Wink* LOL, Just email me for my address… Who doesn’t love care packages from home?