So lately I’ve been struggling…
I love pinterest, but I hate it at the same time!
With Christmas, my wedding, several craft shows and markets to get ready for, as well as photo shoots booked, I have a billion and 3 things to do! And yet I find myself spending HOURS pinning away. There are so many things to see, projects to try and yummy foods to plan! Its DISTRACTING!!
I’ve got a mile long list of projects I need to complete in order to get Christmas presents in the mail on time. Then there are a bunch of projects I need to start and complete in order to have enough stuff for the craft shows and markets ( I have a problem where I think I never have enough made ). Add in some editing, family time, photo shoots, laundry, dishes, dusting, a couple projects I want for me, and there are seriously not enough hours in the day.
Plus I think I have crafting ADD! I can’t seem to work on one project for longer than a couple hours. Then I get distracted by the other things I’m in the middle of, or I find myself once again on pinterest adding more projects to my To Do list.
Its enough to drive me insane!!
Oh and did I mention that I am seriously considering making my own wedding dress???
I know I’m nuts!
Here are some of my top Pinterest Projects…

Oh and I really want to make a Christmas quilt! I have the fabric and everything :) Now if I only had the time…………………………………………………….